
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Blog Post Week 3 Part 1

1. Yes I have had some nightmarish experience with one business in particular, AT&T is by far the worst company to communicate with. It got to the point that I logged my call times and every name of every person I spoke to, but in the end none of that mattered. forty six and half hours of my life I will never get back, but if you look at like basically two days to determine that I never want to do business with them again is better than years of bad service, so I guess it wasn't all bad.

2. Social media definitely makes it easier, just this week I used "chat" to talk to the customer service folks at T-Mobile. Fast and easy and the ability to screen shot my conversation in the event I have to refer back to it.

3. Referring to the above mentioned T-Mobile experience, they have their stuff together. Friendly, fast, and to the point is exactly what I look for in customer service. Time is valuable and the fact that T-Mobile takes that into consideration during customer interactions is why I choose to use there services.

4. You have to take the good with the bad, not everyone is going to have the experience that they might have wanted. Its unrealistic to think you can make everyone happy or cater to all their needs, however being polite and addressing the specifics regardless of the nature of the comment will go a long way. Try to find a solution to change the customers mind if they had a negative experience, leaving the customer with a positive interaction may bring them back or at the very least show that you truly care about their concern. This can also change the mind of a potential customer that is reading reviews, the response to a negative comment could mean the difference in them staying or leaving.


  1. Hi Jason,
    Interesting we both mentioned having bad experiences with AT&T! Mine was a combo with Direct TV and AT&T, nightmare. It was like neither company had heard of the other when they were running deals together! Anyway, I agree that social media,live chat or email is definitely my preferred route of communication rather than the phone!

  2. Hello Jason,
    I 100% agree with you that AT&T does not recognize the importance of their customer's time. I have had bad experiences with the company too and really wish I knew the power of review's back when I was using their service. Looking through reviews is so helpful in knowing what your getting yourself into before a contract. Hopefully they will get it together some day!


Week 17 Last Post

Hmm, how has my use of social media changed? Well I guess you could say I have a better understanding of the SM platforms that our available...